- Poor: In Pakistan the lowest class communities or groups are mostly made of those people who earn their livings as cleaners. No matter if they work in a private house or on the public streets, they are consider beneath the dignity of a Pakistani Muslims. Mostly Hindu’s and christens are the ones, who do this kind of jobs. There is no cast system in Pakistan. The cleaners are careful not to break anything during the time they are cleaning the house, because otherwise it would be end of their job in that particular house, which they obviously don’t want because they want to earn money. On the streets the covering of their face, stops them from being recognized. They do it because a cleaner is not very much respected. So that’s why regular people wouldn’t hangout or marry a cleaner except another cleaner. This separates them from a normal community of people and makes them live in a certain part of the city/town, where everybody else is also cleaner or poor.
- Rich: At the other end of the spectrum, there are the millionaires and near billionaires. Their wealth often develops from the huge area of farming lands they own. The Bhutto family is one example of this class. The way of life of the very wealthy people has little in common with the rest of the population. Children of such families go to private, English schools often completing their education from private boarding schools or Universities in the United States or the United Kingdom. Just as poor people live in a certain place with other poor people around them, rich people have the same in common. They make their houses in rich, organized, and clean environment, which shows their superior-ness over poor.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Rich and The Poor
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